Free Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden Tour

Touch Tours

Photograph of Barbara Hepworth Sculpture Garden

An opportunity for blind or partially sighted visitors to touch selected sculptures

Accompanied by a Touch Tour Guide, and wearing sculpture conservation gloves, participants are supported to touch and discuss the composition, materials, and histories of selected artworks on display at the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden.

Touch Tours are designed specifically for visitors who are partially sighted or blind. We offer personal guiding using rambletags. If you haven’t used a rambletag before, it is a guiding cuff which means that you have no hand on arm physical touching with your guide.

Guide dogs are welcome.

There are steps and uneven surfaces that make access difficult. For this reason manual wheelchair access is by prior appointment only. Wheelchairs are available to reserve for free. Bookings should be made at least 24 hours before visiting. Mobility scooters are not permitted. For booking any of the above that require advance booking or further enquiries, please phone: 01736 791177.

Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden

Barnoon Hill
St Ives
Cornwall TR26 1AD



Tour schedule is based on Touch Tour Guide availability.

Advance booking essential on 01736 791 177.


Free with ticket