Tate hosts a growing number of doctoral students engaged in research at Tate. Students work at Tate in a variety of ways, gaining professional experience and contributing their ideas and knowledge to Tate’s programmes and projects.

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Tate Collaborative Doctoral Partnership scheme offers fully funded studentships for study towards a Doctoral degree. Successful candidates are jointly supervised by subject specialists at both their Higher Education Institute (HEI) and at one of the 25 museums, libraries, archives or heritage organisations that make up the CDP Consortium.

Tate has up to three AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) studentships to allocate each year. Details of new awards are advertised on this website and elsewhere in the spring of each year.


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Proposing new studentships

Tate is currently welcoming studentship proposals from prospective doctoral supervisors and doctoral candidates. If you are interested in submitting a formal proposal for review, please read our research strategy and submit an initial Expression of Interest form.

If expertise and capacity is available to support your doctoral research idea, you will be invited to co-develop a formal proposal with Tate-based supervisors. You will be required to submit this proposal by Monday 18 September.

For further information, please email studentships@tate.org.uk.

Proposals for new studentships are made jointly by a member of Tate staff and a member of academic staff at a UK university, and in some cases, a named student in collaboration with a full supervisory team.

Tate welcomes proposals from academics to examine, or use as a starting point, any of Tate’s practices, programmes and collections from any disciplinary perspective.

Applications are assessed by a panel with members drawn from universities and other cultural heritage organisations as well as Tate. The successful studentships are selected on the basis of their academic merit and their contribution to the organisation’s objectives and research strategy.

current opportunities

PHD opportunity: Unexpected salt formation in 20th century oil paints

Imperial College London and Tate are delighted to offer the following Arts and Humanities Research Council fully-funded PhD studentship: 'Unexpected salt formation in 20th century oil paints and implications for condition, conservation and access to works of art'.

PhD opportunity: Performativity and Preservation in the Archive of Online Born-Digital Art

London South Bank University and Tate are delighted to offer the following fully-funded PhD studentship: ‘Performativity and Preservation in the Archive of Online Born-Digital Art’.

Past studentships

See a list of projects by past collaborative doctoral students at Tate, ordered chronologically by year of commencement.

Further information about Collaborative Doctoral Partnership studentships is available on the Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships website.

To discuss possible research collaborations or projects with Tate, please email studentships@tate.org.uk.